Welcome, Onebone!

Onebone is an open-source software for signal analysis about predictive maintenance, being used for research activities at ⓒ ONEPREDICT Corp.. It includes modules for preprocessing, health feature, and more. If you need to analyze signals for industrial equipments like turbines, a rotary machinery or componets like gears, bearings, give onebone a try!

Getting Started

1. Prerequisite

onebone requires Python 3.6.5+.

2. Installation

onebone can be installed via pip from PyPI.

$ pip install onebone

It can be checked as follows whether the onebone has been installed.

>>> import onebone
>>> onebone.__version__

3. Usage

It assumes that the user has already installed the onebone package. You can import directly the function, for example:

>>> from onebone.feature import tacho_to_rpm


Call for contribute

We appreciate and welcome contributions. Small improvements or fixes are always appreciated; issues labeled as “good first issue” may be a good starting point.

Writing code isn’t the only way to contribute to onebone. You can also:

  • triage issues

  • review pull requests

  • help with outreach and onboard new contributors

If you’re unsure where to start or how your skills fit in, reach out! You can ask here, on GitHub, by leaving a comment on a relevant issue that is already open.

If you want to use an code for signal analysis, but it’s not in onebone, make a issue.

Please follow this guide to contribute to onebone.